I'm generally a fairly lazy gardener in that I only go out there in the Spring and Summer when it's nice weather and the rest of the year it tends to get ignored, but I do appreciate a nice garden to hang out in.
I know I have a good excuse this year in that I'm unable to reach the floor without looking like a ninety year old with arthritis so I'm not feeling too bad about it. And I have re-potted a few things (it might actually be fairer to say Ben did it) and planted some others.
We have strawberrys in our hanging basket which I'm particularly excited by - I'm hoping we get more of a crop from them than we did the 'tumbling toms' last year. We only really got one at a time which I wouldn't really class as a 'crop'.
And we also have some mystery seedlings growing! I harvested some seeds from the mini peppers we grew last year and they haven't grown at all, but I also harvested some seeds from something I can't remember and some of them are growing! Alas I have no idea in to what, but they are growing.
All I can think is that they're from either a Poppy, Allium or Aquilegia. Beyond that I have no clue - lets hope they survive 'cus I really want to know now.
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