My Etsy shop window

Friday, 18 April 2008

Work in progress

Last year I picked some Forget-me-nots and put them in a tiny flower press I got from my favourite craft shop. I have had a sneeky peek at them a few times to check they pressed ok without disintegrating (I've never pressed flowers before) but have never gotten around to actually doing anything with them. So when I noticed this years Forget-me-nots starting to pop up in our garden I figured it was about time.

pressed forget-me-not flowers
At the bottom of the pic you can see the frame I've hand-pierced and filed from silver sheet ready to take the resin and flower, I just need to solder the loop onto the back. I had actually designed something slightly different but being pregnant and with a brain in a state of constant melt at the minute I forgot to look at it and ended up with a 'new' design!

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